Welcome to Bethany United Methodist Church

We believe that God is doing something special in our community, and we are thankful to be a part of it. As a community of old and young, men and women, new Christians and long-time believers, we are passionate about worship, missions, youth, music, and children. We hope that among these and our many other ministries, you will find a place to connect, grow, and serve.
The mission of Bethany is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our vision is to
CONNECT with GOD in community,
GROW in our likeness to JESUS CHRIST,
and SERVE our neighbors.
Our vision is both a dream of who we want to be for God and our community and a plan for how to accomplish our mission at Bethany. Our vision becomes reality in three primary ways … we CONNECT in worship, we GROW in small groups, and we SERVE through missions. Worship, small groups, and missions are the ways we live out our discipleship, the best ways we know how to follow Jesus. We would love for you to join us as we seek to fulfill this vision together.