Bethany UMC Weekly Announcements

 Pastor Blaine will be having January Coffee Hours at Valley Pike on Thursday January 9th from 9:30am-12pm AND Thursday January 23rd from 3-5pm. So come and grab a cup of coffee, tea, or even some ice cream!

We will be hosting a “Christmas in July” Yard Sale, with all proceeds going to help our September Honduras Mission Team. Please start bringing in any Christmas decorations, inside or outside, that you would like to donate. You can put them in the Social Hall and they will be organized and stored for the July Yard Sale. If you have any questions, please reach out to Amy Michael.


Our January Women’s Ministry event will be on Wednesday, January 15 at 1 pm and 6:30 pm. During the Women’s Ministry event, there will be a discussion of famous couples in the Bible, followed by a winter flower design workshop with a Valentine’s theme. Please sign up at the Welcome Center.

Calling All Bethany UMC Men! Donuts and Devotions will be meeting on Saturday, January 18th in the Social Hall at 8am. Come have some coffee and donuts as we pray together and fellowship with one another.