Bethany UMC Weekly Announcements
Worship Announcements
EASTER CHOIR – It’s not too late to join and we need you! Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays at 6:30 and our next one is February 26th. Wonderful songs, fellowship and a meaningful way to help make our worship during the Lenten season special. You can sign-up [online] at
ASH WEDNESDAY IS COMING! Please plan to be a part of our Ash Wednesday event on March 5th. On this special day that marks the beginning of the Lenten season, we will have a soup and sandwich dinner at 6:00 followed by a short mission project. Our project will be putting together water filters for a ministry in North Carolina called Wine to Water (Rilo and Amy Michael’s niece is a leader there). These small filters, which last for 10 YEARS, are distributed around the world in areas where clean water is not available. This is a great opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of others. The filters are simple and for ALL ages to assist in making. Afterward, there will be a very brief service with the imposition of ashes in the sanctuary. Ash Wednesday is an opportunity to begin the preparation of our hearts and minds for Easter. Mark your calendars and join your church family for a fun and meaningful evening. For those who wish to support the cost of the water filters, there will be an empty pitcher on one of the front hall tables in which to place your donation. You still have time to sign up for soups, sandwiches and desserts at the Welcome Center this Sunday.
EASTER FLOWERS! Please help adorn our sanctuary on Easter as you honor or remember a special someone in your life or in the life of our church. We are offering pots of tulips for $10 and pots of geraniums for $7. Both can be planted in your home gardens. Order forms will be on the Welcome Center starting Sunday, March 9th. Orders are due by Sunday, March 30th and can be placed in the secretary’s mailbox or in the offering plate. Thank you!
Mission Opportunities
We will be hosting our “Christmas in July” Yard Sale on Saturday, July 26 at the Weyers Cave Community Center from 8am-1pm. All proceeds will go to help our September Honduras Mission Team. Please continue bringing in any Christmas decorations, inside or outside, that you would like to donate. You can put them in the Social Hall and they will be organized and stored for the July Yard Sale. At the yard sale we will also be selling BBQ sandwiches, hosting a bake sale, and selling table space for members and community members to sell their own stuff. If you have any questions, please reach out to Amy Michael.
EASTER CANDY NEEDED – We need LOTS of prewrapped candy to fill Easter Eggs for our community event and Easter Sunday here at Bethany. Please make sure candy will fit inside a plastic egg. Bring donations at any time.
Mark your calendar now, as we will be hosting our next Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday June 6th from 10-4pm in the Social Hall.
Dates to Know
Trustees Meeting – Tuesday, March 4 6:30-8:00pm. Members please make every effort to attend this meeting. Plan to stay a little longer than usual. Thanks.
Young at Hearts – Tuesday, March 4 noon at Thomas House in Dayton.
Pastor Blaine will be having Coffee Hours at Valley Pike Thursday, March 13 from 9:30am-12pm. So come and grab a cup of coffee, tea, or even some ice cream!
Donuts & Devotions – Saturday, March 15 8:00am, all men are encouraged to attend.
BETHANY COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT – Saturday, April 12 – 10:00 a.m. Weyers Cave Community Center – We hope everyone will make themselves available for this outreach event. This may be the ONLY moment in many families’ Easter celebration where the true meaning is taught and celebrated and where they hear the name JESUS. We need folks willing to assist with crafts, serve refreshments, hide eggs and just be there to meet and greet our neighbors. An organizational meeting is coming and then we will need everyone to help. Sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center.
Other Announcements
Congratulations to Susan Meadows, the Rockingham County Public Schools’ Teacher of the Year! This prestigious award celebrates a teacher who demonstrates excellence, dedication, and a passion for the future of their students. She is an instructor at Rockingham Academy where she was chosen as her school’s teacher of the year and then chosen among all schools for this award. Susan, your Bethany family is so VERY proud of you!
Mark your calendars to attend the Turner Ashby High School musical “Hades Town” which will include our very own Lucy Huffer. Performance dates are February 20, 21, 22, and 23.
Thank you to all who continue to assist in cleaning the church as our custodian, Danny Perry, continues to heal and recover. The saying is, “If you see something, say something”. In this case, “If you SEE something, DO something” seems to be the norm. It is much appreciated!
Prayer Requests
Please be in prayer for our members: Barbara Sommers, Kathy Frizzelle, Tom and Jan Gorden, Nadine Moore, Don Truslow, Roger Hawkins, and Barbara Long.
Please also be in prayer for Latrice Scott and her children, as well as our Bethany sexton, Danny Perry. We also ask for prayer for Tommy Jackson, a friend of Lori Mooney.
We extend our deepest Christian sympathy to Don Truslow and family, as they grieve the loss of their beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and friend, Hazel Truslow.